
steam游戏推荐 地心之战大而已片竖立奖励坐骑

发布日期:2024-12-08 08:14    点击次数:114

steam游戏推荐 地心之战大而已片竖立奖励坐骑

简便翻译校对:英文原竖扬名:"You Xal Not Pass" (Holy_nova注:源于指环王 甘谈夫对战炎魔经典台词: "You SHALL NOT PASS!",这里本东谈主水平有限无法作念到既能融梗还能中英双语谐音梗+电影梗四梗合一,无颜乱翻,等简中最终翻译了。 )5个大型地心之战区域竖立中解锁后,本竖立解锁。(4个已知区域+1个海妖群岛区域)坐骑奖励为 Shadow of Doubt (疑之影)

形色:Manifesting after Xal'atath's disappearance, this shadow's very existence begs the question: Were her schemes truly thwarted? Or have we just played deeper into her hands?萨拉塔斯湮灭后,它出现了,它的存在似乎在求问着这个问题:她的贪念果真齐全挫败了吗?已经咱们进一步的被她捉弄于股掌之间?

海妖群岛区域本人完成竖立——Isle Remembered You(群岛会谨记你)后也会奖励一个坐骑——The Breaker's Song (水桶之歌) 个东谈主取了Breaker 船上小水筒的理由,有歧义请斧正,果真莫得作念过水手形色:Tis a rare moment in history when a sailor carves the very monster that left 'em stranded to die upon the bow of their ship. Our lot is a blasphemous and piddly bunch. To think one of us might have the humility to honor such a creature is damn near mad.历史长河中,有数水手会在我方的船首雕琢出阿谁将他们困死的怪物。咱们这一帮亵渎之徒不外是微小之辈。若真有东谈主会带着敬畏去归来这种邪物,险些是疯了。

